Chapter 5 Walkthroughs - Still Life

Still Life 1 - Chapter 5

This set of walkthroughs for Still Life Chapter 5 will take you from the moment Miller interrupts Victoria's reading right through to uncovering the secrets of the Red Lantern and the uncovering of Todd Browning's treachery.

Areas explored in Chapter 5 include the Office, the Campus, Pat's House, Richard's Gallery, the 6th Crime Scene, and The Red Lantern. Also includes detailed walkthroughs for the Puzzles at the Red Lantern: the Special Club Door Puzzle, the Statue Puzzle, the Fireplace Picture Puzzle, and of course, the creation of a Fake Red Lantern Pass.

Detailed set of walkthroughs for Still Life Chapter 5. Includes write-ups, screenshots, and videos.

The adventure continues for Victoria in Still Life Chapter 5 as Detective Miller interrupts her reading. This walkthrough takes you from that moment at Pat's House, through the search of Vaclav Kolar's Apartment and from a first visit to the Red Lantern to the discovery of the 6th Crime Scene.

Detailed walkthrough for Pat's House, the Campus, and The Red Lantern from Still Life Chapter 5.

Victoria's adventure takes her to Richard's Gallery next, where she will discover the 6th Crime Scene. We'll also pick up a Silver Rose and a Red Lantern Pass, along with a photo of the next victim.

Detailed walkthrough for the investigation of Richard's Gallery from Still Life Chapter 5. Includes write-up, screenshots, and video.

After the discovery of the 6th Crime Scene, Victoria is off to Pat's House and the Office. In this walkthrough we cover exploring these areas, along with the interrogation of Vaclav Kolar and the creation of a Fake Red Lantern Pass.

Detailed walkthrough for the creation of a fake Red Lantern Pass at the Office in Still Life Chapter 5.

As soon as Victoria gets into the Red Lantern, she is confronted with a puzzle to solve in order to open the door to the Special Club. In this walkthrough we show you where to find all of the items and clues you'll need to open the door and continue exploring the secret parts of the Red Lantern.

Detailed walkthrough for the investigation of the Red Lantern and the solution to the Special Club Door Puzzle. Includes write-up, screenshots, and video.

The Red Lantern is one puzzle after another as Victoria hits the Statue Puzzle immediately after solving the code to get into the Special Club. This walkthrough shows you what to do with those statues, as well as the order involved and where to find the items each statue demands.

Detailed walkthrough for solving the Statue Puzzle at the Red Lantern in Still Life Chapter 5.

Having made her way into the heart of the Red Lantern, Victoria is confronted with one last puzzle: The Fireplace Picture Puzzle. Our walkthrough for solving this final puzzle in Chapter 5 shows you where to find the two items you need, as well as the movement sequence to complete the picture and reach the Reception Book. This is also the final part of Chapter 5, where the treachery of Todd Browning is uncovered.

Detailed walkthrough for solving the Fireplace Picture Puzzle at the Red Lantern in Still Life Chapter 5.